Essential Electron Transport for Device Physics


Book Description
Advances in precision manufacture of nanometer-scale electronics provide unique opportunities for semiconductor device physics and new device concepts. Electron transport in transistors fabricated with a minimum feature size of a few nanometers is dominated by quantum and non-equilibrium effects. This book sets out to summarize key elements of electron transport most applicable to the study of semiconductor electron device physics. It is a convenient reference and a source of essential basic knowledge to be understood before exploring more sophisticated electron device models and concepts. The contents serve as a foundation for scientists and engineers, without the need to invest in specialized detailed study. This book provides quantitative results that more advanced approaches should, at an absolute minimum, be able to reproduce. In addition to the text in this book, there are problems, some more involved than others, that the reader may wish to solve. Supplementary material includes MATLABŪ code for most numerically generated figures.



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