Accelerated deep self-supervised
ptycho-laminography for three-dimensional nanoscale imaging of integrated
circuits, I. Kang, Y, Jiang, M. Haller, M. Guizar-Sicairos, A.
F. J. Levi, J. Klug, S. Vogt, and G. Barbastathis, Optica 10, 1000-1008 (2023)
Wave packet tunneling and imaginary wave vector,
W. Unglaub and A.
F. J. Levi, Physics Open 17, 100164 (2023)
with scattering states, A. Abouzaid and A. F. J. Levi, Europhys. Lett. PL 135,
40002 (2021)
Supersymmetry with self-consistent Schrödinger_Poisson
equations: Finding partner potentials and breaking symmetry, A. Abouzaid and A.
F. J. Levi, New J. Phys. 23, 063026 (2021)
Chip Scan: 3D x-ray imaging of CMOS circuits, M. Holler, M. Odstrcil, M.
Guizar-Sicairos, M. Lebugle, E. Müller, S. Finizio, G. Tinti, C. David, O. Bunk,
J. Raabe, G. Aeppli, J. Zusman, W. Unglaub, and A. F. J. Levi, GOMACTech, 29.2 (2020)
Three-dimensional imaging of integrated circuits with macro- to nanoscale zoom,
M. Holler, M.Odstrcil, M. Guizar-Sicairos, M. Lebugle, E. Müller, S. Finizio, G.
Tinti, C. David, J. Zusman, W. Unglaub, O. Bunk, J. Raabe, A. F. J. Levi and G.
Aeppli, Nature Electronics 2, 464-470 (2019)
Behavioral regimes and long-lived emitter states in mesolasers,
A. Abouzaid, W. Unglaub and A. F. J. Levi, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 52 245401
x-ray imaging of circuit features without wafer etching, J. Deng, Y. P. Hong, S.
Chen, Y. S. G. Nashed, T. Peterka, A. F. J. Levi, J. Damoulakis, S, Saha, T.
Eiles and C. Jacobsen, Phys. Rev. B: 95, 104111 (2017)
control of non-Markovian photon resonator dynamics, A. F. J. Levi, L. Campos Venuti,
T. Albash, and S. Haas, Phys.
Rev. A 90, 022119 (2014)
and control of non-Markovian evolution in finite quantum systems via feedback,
N. Chancellor, C. Petri, L. Campos Venuti, A. F. J. Levi, and S. Haas, Phys.
Rev. A 89, 052119 (2014)
Optimal design of a
semiconductor heterostructure tunnel diode with nonlinear current-voltage
characteristic, K. C. Magruder and A. F. J. Levi, Physica E 44, 1503-1509
Gate tunable
graphine-silicon Ohmic/Schottky contacts, C-C Chen, C-C, Chang, Z. Li, A. F. J.
Levi, and S. B. Cronin, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 2233113 (2012)
resonator-based photonic microwave receiver modulator with picowatt sensitivity,
M. Hossein-Zadeh and A. F. J. Levi, IET Optoelectron. 5, 36-39 (2011)
Optimal design of a
semiconductor heterostructure tunnel diode with linear current-voltage
characteristic, K. C. Magruder and A. F. J. Levi, Physica E 44, 322-326
Graphene-silicon Schottky
diodes, C. C. Chen, M. Aykol, C. C. Chang, A. F. J. Levi, S. B. Cronin, Nano
Lett. 11, 1863-1867 (2011)
fluctuations and saturable absorption in mesoscale lasers, K. Roy-Choudhury and A. F. J. Levi, Phys.
Rev. A 83, 043827 (1-9) (2011)
Quantum and
semiclassical inelastic electron transport, K. C. Magruder and A. F. J. Levi,
Phys. Rev. B 81, 235312 (1-7) (2010)
fluctuations in very small lasers, K. Roy-Choudhury and A. F. J. Levi, Phys.
Rev. A 81, 013827 (1-11) (2010)
A novel formulation
of the adjoint method in the design of quantum electronic devices, A. F. J. Levi
and G. Rosen, SIAM J. Control Optim. 48, 3191-3223 (2010)
excitations in tight-binding nanostructures, Rodrigo A. Muniz, Stephan Haas, A.
F. J. Levi, and Ilya Grigorenko, Phys. Rev. B 80, 045413 (1-6) (2009)
Quantum fluctuations in small
lasers, Kaushik Roy-Choudhury, Stephan Haas, and A. F. J. Levi, Phys. Rev. Lett.
102, 053902 (1-4) (2009)
Electro-optic bistability in a LiNbO3
microdisk resonator, Mani Hossein-Zadeh, and A. F. J. Levi, IET Optoelectronics
2, 111-114 (2008)
Optimal control of
electromagnetic field using metallic nanoclusters, Ilya Grigorenko, Stephan
Haas, Alexander Balatsky and A F J Levi, New J. Phys. 10, 043017 (2008)
Self-homodyne photonic microwave receiver
architecture based on linear optical modulation and filtering,
Mani Hossein-Zadeh and A. F. J. Levi, Microwave and Optical
Technol. Lett. 50, 345-350 (2008)
Towards quantum
engineering, A. F. J. Levi, Proceedings of the IEEE 96, 335-342 (2008)
Design of
resonators using materials with negative refractive index, Petra Schmidt, Ilya
Grigorenko, and A. F. J. Levi, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 24, 2791 (2007)
Optimization of aperiodic
dielectric structures, Philip Seliger, Mohammad Mahvash, Chunming Wang, and A.
F. J. Levi, J. Appl. Phys. 100,
response of broken-symmetry nano-scale clusters, Ilya Grigorenko, Stephan Haas,
and A.F.J. Levi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 036806 (1-4) (2006)
14.6 GHz LiNbO3 microdisk
photonic self-homodyne RF receiver, Mani Hossein-Zadeh and A.F.J. Levi, IEEE MTT
821-831 (2006)
Synthesis of electron transmission
in nanoscale semiconductor devices, Petra Schmidt, Stephan Haas, and A.F.J. Levi,
Applied Physics Letters 88,
044508 (1-3) (2006)
Synthesis for device design, Jason
Thalken, Stephan Haas, and A.F.J. Levi, Journal of Applied Physics 98,
044508 (1-8) (2005)
Self-homodyne RF-optical LiNbO3 microdisk
receiver, M. Hossein-Zadeh and A. F. J. Levi, Solid State Electron. 49,
1428-1434 (2005).
MAUI: Enabling Fiber-to-the-Processor With
Parallel Multiwavelength Optical Interconnects , Brian E. Lemoff, Mohammed E.
Ali, George Panotopoulos, Graham M. Flower, B. Madhavan, A.F.J. Levi and David
W. Dolfi, Journal of Lightwave Technology 22, 2043-2054 (2004)
Adaptive design of excitonic absorption
in broken-symmetry quantum wells, Jason Thalken, Weifei Li, Stephan Haas, and A.F.J.
Levi, Applied Physics Letters 85, 121-123 (2004)
Adaptive quantum design of atomic
clusters, Jason Thalken, Yu Chen,
A.F.J. Levi, and Stephan Haas, Physical Review B 69,
195410 (2004)
Aperiodic nanophotonic design, Ioan L.
Stephan Haas, and A.F.J. Levi, Journal of Applied Physics 95,
1420-1426 (2004)
Adaptive design of nanoscale
dielectric structures for photonics, Yu Chen, Ron Yu, Weifei Li, Omid Nohadani,
Stephan Haas, and A.F.J. Levi, Journal of Applied Physics 94,
6065-6069 (2003)
Accessing transmission-mode dispersion in
super-prisms, Y.Du and A.F.J. Levi, Solid-State Electronics 47,
1369-1377 (2003)
Polarization-dependent reflectivity from
dielectric nanowires, Y. Du, Song Han, Wu Jin, C. Zhou, and A.F.J. Levi, Applied
Physics Letters 83, 996-998 (2003)
Mb/s data transmission over
a RF fiber-optic link using a LiNbO3 microdisk
modulator, M. Hossein-Zadeh and A. F. J. Levi, Solid State Electron. 46,
2173-2178 (2002).
Dynamic behavior of scaled
microdisk lasers, S.M.K. Thiyagarajan and A.F.J. Levi, Solid-State Electronics
45, 1821-1826 (2001)
High-speed response of optically-pumped
InGaAs/InGaAsP microdisk lasers, S.M.K. Thiyagarajan and A.F.J. Levi, Electronics
Letters 37, 175-176 (2001)
High-Q microphotonic
electro-optic modulator,D.A.Cohen, M. Hossein-zadeh, and A.F.J. Levi, Solid-State
Electronics 45, 1577-1589 (2001)
Microphotonic modulator for microwave
receiver, D.A.Cohen, M. Hossein-zadeh, and A.F.J. Levi, Electronics Letters
37, 300-302 (2001)
Microphotonic millimeter-wave receiver
architecture, D.A.Cohen and A.F.J. Levi, Electronics Letters 37, 37-39 (2001)
Microphotonic components for a mm-wave
receiver, D.A.Cohen and A.F.J. Levi, Solid-State Electronics 45, 495-505
Analysis of hybrid opto-electronic WDM
ADC", P. Rabiei and A. F. J. Levi, IEEE J. Lightwave Technol. 18, 1264-1270
Optical Interconnects
in Systems, A.F.J. Levi, Proceedings of IEEE 88, 750-757 (2000)
Continuous room-temperature operation
of microdisk laser diodes, S. M. K. Thiyagarajan, D. A. Cohen, A. F. J.
Levi, S. Ryu , R. Li, and P. D. Dapkus, Electronics Letters 35, 1252-1254
A Gbyte/s Parallel Fiber-Optic Network
Interface for Multimedia Applications, B. Raghavan, Y.-G. Kim, T.-Y. Chuang,
B. Madhavan, and A. F. J. Levi, IEEE Network 13, 20-28 (1999).
Noise in voltage-biased scaled semiconductor laser diodes,
S. M. K. Thiyagarajan and A. F. J. Levi, Solid State Electron. 43, 33-39
Continuous room-temperature operation
of optically pumped InGaAs/InGaAsP microdisk lasers, S. M. K. Thiyagarajan,
A. F. J. Levi, C. K. Lin, I. Kim, P. D. Dapkus, and S. J. Pearton, Electronics
Lett. 34, 2333-2334 (1998).
A 55.0 Gb/s/cm data bandwidth density
interface in 0.5 um CMOS for advanced parallel optical interconnects, B.
Madhavan and A. F. J. Levi, Electron. Lett. 34, 1846-1847 (1998).
A multi-state external cavity laser diode,
A. P. Kanjamala and A. F. J. Levi, Appl. Phys. Lett. 72, 2214-2216 (1998).
Signal quality in digitally modulated
scaled laser diodes, S. M. K. Thiyagarajan and A. F. J. Levi, Solid State
Electron. 42, 2027-2030 (1998).
Phased-array optically controlled receiver
using serial feed, B. Tsap, Y. Chang, H. Fetterman, A. F. J. Levi, D. A.
Cohen, I. Newberg, IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. 10, 267-269 (1998).
Low-power 2.5 Gbps VCSEL driver in 0.5
um CMOS technology, B. Madhavan and A. F. J. Levi, Electron. Lett. 34, 178-179
Wavelength selective electro-optic flip-flop,
A. P. Kanjamala and A. F. J. Levi, Electron. Lett. 34, 299-300 (1998).
Wavelength switching in multi-cavity laser
diodes, S. M. K. Thiyagarajan, A. P. Kanjamala, and A. F. J. Levi, J. Appl.
Phys. 84, 1805-1812 (1998).
Wavelength selection for Gb/s data transmission
using out-of-band RF modulation, A. P. Kanjamala and A. F. J. Levi, IEEE
Photonics Technol. Lett. 9, 1265-1267 (1997).
Wavelength switching in multi-cavity lasers,
A. P. Kanjamala and A. F. J. Levi, Appl. Phys. Lett. 71, 300-302 (1997).
Improving end system performance for multimedia applications over high
bandwidth networks, S. Zeadally, G. Gheorghiu, and A. F. J. Levi, Multimedia
Tools and Applications 5, 307-322 (1997).
Optically-controlled serially-fed phased
array transmitter, Y. Chang, B. Tsap, H. Fetterman, D. A. Cohen, A. F. J.
Levi, and I. Newberg, IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Lett. 7, 69-71 (1997).
8 Gbps CMOS interface for parallel fiber-optic
links, B. Sano, B. Madhavan, and A. F. J. Levi, Electron. Lett. 32, 2262-2263
Wavelength switching using multicavity
semiconductor laser diodes, A. P. Kanjamala and A. F. J. Levi, Electron.
Lett. 32, 2100-2102 (1996).
The effect of scaling microlasers on modal
noise, S. M. K. Thiyagarajan and A. F. J. Levi, Appl. Phys. Lett. 69, 3459-3461
Transient response of wavelength switching
in multi-cavity mode-locked laser diodes, A. P. Kanjamala and A. F. J. Levi,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 69, 3647-3649 (1996).
Optically-controlled serially-fed phased
array sensor, D. Cohen, Y. Chang, A. F. J. Levi, H. Fetterman, and I. Newberg,
IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. 8, 1683-1685 (1996).
12x622 Mb/s optical receiver Array module
for parallel digital datalinks, S. Siala, Y. Dekovic, M. Govindarajan, V.
Ramakishnan, R. Kinter, J. Padilla, R. N. Nottenburg, and A. F. J. Levi,
IEEE-Transactions Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology. Part
B: Advanced Packaging 19, 548-553 (1996).
The spectrum of microdisk
lasers, N. C. Frateschi and A. F. J. Levi, J. Appl. Phys. 80, 644-653 (1996).
Sub-picosecond skew in multimode fiber
ribbon for synchronous data transmission, A. P. Kanjamala and A. F. J. Levi,
Electron Lett. 31, 1376-1377 (1995).
Resonant modes and laser spectrum of microdisk
lasers, N. C. Frateschi and A. F. J. Levi, Appl. Phys. Lett. 66, 2932-2934
Transferred-electron induced current instabilities
in heterojunction bipolar transistors, V. A. Posse, B. Jalali, and A. F.
J. Levi, Appl. Phys. Lett. 66, 3319-3321 (1995).
Polarization of lasing emission in microdisk
laser diodes, N. C. Frateschi, A. P. Kanjamala, A. F. J. Levi, and T. Tanbun-Ek,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 66, 1859-1861 (1995).
Low skew multimode ribbon fibers for parallel
optical communication, S. Siala, A. P. Kanjamala, R. N. Nottenburg, and
A. F. J. Levi, Electron. Lett. 30, 1784-1786 (1994).
InGaAs/GaAs quantum well lasers with dry-etched
mirrors passivated by vacuum atomic layer epitaxy, N. C. Frateschi, M. Y.
Jow, P. D. Dapkus, and A. F. J. Levi, Appl. Phys. Lett. 65, 1748-1750 (1994).
A system design perspective on optical interconnection technology, R.
A. Nordin and A. F. J. Levi, AT&T Technical Journal 72, (number 5) 37-49
Semiconductor microlasers, A. F. J. Levi, Physics World 6, no. 10, 32-35
Si-based receivers for optical data links,
B. Jalali, L. Naval, and A. F. J. Levi, J. Lightwave Technol. 12, 930-935
Microdisk lasers, A. F. J. Levi, Solid
State Electronics 37, 1297-1302 (1994).
Comparison of graded
and abrupt junction InGaAs heterojunction bipolar transistors, J. A. Baquedano,
A. F. J. Levi, and B. Jalali, Appl. Phys. Lett. 64, 67-69 (1994).
Threshold characteristics
of semiconductor microdisk lasers, R. E. Slusher, A. F. J. Levi, U. Mohideen,
S. L. McCall, S J. Pearton, and R. A. Logan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 63, 1310-1312
Room temperature operation of submicrometre
radius disc laser, A. F. J. Levi, S. L. McCall, S. J. Pearton, and R. A.
Logan, Electron. Lett. 29, 1666-1667 (1993).
High performance optical data link array technology, R. A. Nordin, D.
B. Buchholz, R. F. Huisman, N. R. Basavanhally, and A. F. J. Levi, IEEE-Transactions
Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology 16, 783-788 (1993).
Forward delay in
scaled AlInAs/InGaAs heterojunction bipolar transistors, J. A. Baquedano,
A. F. J. Levi, B. Jalali, and A. Y. Cho, Appl. Phys. Lett. 63, 2261-2263
Direct observation of electron spectral
function in the integer and fractional quantum hall regimes, G. S. Boebinger,
A. F. J. Levi, A. Passner, L. N. Pfeiffer, and K. W. West, Phys. Rev. B 47,
16608-16611 (1993).
Amplified spontaneous emission and carrier
pinning in laser diodes, S. L. Chuang, J. O'Gorman, and A. F. J. Levi, IEEE
J. Quantum Electron. 29, 1631-1639 (1993).
Room temperature
lasing action in InGaP/InGaAs microcylinder laser diodes, A. F. J. Levi,
R. E. Slusher, S. L. McCall, S. J. Pearton, and W. S. Hobson, Appl. Phys.
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Effect of fixed emission wavelength on
threshold current of InGaAsP semiconductor laser diodes, J. O'Gorman and
A. F. J. Levi, Electron. Lett. 28, 2091-2093 (1992).
Carrier pinning
by mode fluctuations in laser diodes, J. O'Gorman, S. L. Chuang, and A.
F. J. Levi, Appl. Phys. Lett. 62, 1454-1456 (1993).
Wavelength dependence
of To in InGaAsP semiconductor laser diodes, J. O'Gorman and A. F. J. Levi,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 62, 2009-2011 (1993).
Forward transit delay in InGaAs heterojunction
bipolar transistors with nonequilibrium electron transport, J. Laskar, R.
N. Nottenburg, J. A. Baquedano, A. F. J. Levi, and J. Kolodzey, IEEE Trans.
Elect. Device. 40, 1942-1949 (1993).
Directional light
coupling from microdisk lasers, A. F. J. Levi, R. E. Slusher, S. L. McCall,
J. L. Glass, S. J. Pearton, and R. A. Logan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 62, 561-563
Cavity formation
in semiconductor lasers, J. O'Gorman, A. F. J. Levi, D. Coblentz, T. Tanbun-Ek,
and R. A. Logan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 61, 889-891 (1992).
Room temperature operation of microdisc
lasers with submilliamp threshold current, A. F. J. Levi, R. E. Slusher,
S. L. McCall, T. Tanbun-Ek, D. L. Coblentz and S. J. Pearton, Electron.
Lett. 28, 1010-1012 (1992).
High-speed coplanar transmission lines,
U. D. Keil, D. R. Dykaar, A. F. J. Levi, R. F. Kopf, L. N. Pfeiffer, S.
B. Darack, and K. W. West, IEEE J. Quantum Electronics 28, 2333-2342 (1992).
SiGe photo-detectors grown by rapid thermal
chemical vapor deposition, B. Jalali, A. F. J. Levi, F. Ross, and E. A.
Fitzgerald, Electron. Lett. 28, 269-271 (1992).
The temperature
dependence of long wavelength semiconductor lasers, J. O'Gorman, A. F. J.
Levi, T. Tanbun-Ek, and R. A. Logan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 60, 1058-1060 (1992).
Vertical scaling
in heterostructure bipolar transistors with nonequilibrium electron transport,
A. F. J. Levi, B. Jalali, R. N. Nottenburg, and A. Y. Cho, Appl. Phys. Lett.
60, 460-462 (1992).
Whispering mode microdisk
lasers, S. L. McCall, A. F. J. Levi, R. E. Slusher, S. J. Pearton, and R.
A. Logan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 60, 289-291 (1992).
On the temperature
sensitivity of semiconductor lasers, J. O'Gorman, A. F. J. Levi, S. Schmitt-Rink,
T. Tanbun-Ek, D. L. Coblentz, and R. A. Logan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 60, 157-159
Optical rectification at semiconductor
surfaces, S. L. Chuang, S. Schmitt-Rink, B. I. Greene, P. N. Saeta, and
A. F. J. Levi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 102-105 (1992).
Digital transmission with intracavity
loss modulated quantum well distributed feedback lasers, P. A. Andrekson,
J. O'Gorman, A. F. J. Levi, M. Haner, N. A. Olsson, T. Tanbun-Ek, D. L.
Coblentz, and R. A. Logan, IEEE Trans. Photonics Technol. Lett. 3, 1150-1152
Excitation mechanisms and optical properties
of rare-earth ions in semiconductors, S. Schmitt-Rink, C. M. Varma, and
A. F. J. Levi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 2782-2785 (1991).
Dynamic spectral broadening in digitally
modulated lasers, J. O'Gorman, A. F. J. Levi, T. Tanbun-Ek, D. L. Coblentz,
and R. A. Logan, Electron. Lett. 27, 1239-1241 (1991).
Saturable absorption
in intracavity loss modulated quantum well lasers, J. O'Gorman, A. F. J.
Levi, T. Tanbun-Ek, and R. A. Logan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 59, 16-18 (1991).
Nonlinear spectroscopy
near-half gap in bulk and quantum well GaAs/AlGaAs waveguides, M. N. Islam,
C. E. Soccolich, R. E. Slusher, A. F. J. Levi, W. S. Hobson, and G. Young,
J. Appl. Phys. 71, 1927-1935 (1992).
Large nonlinear
phase shifts in low-loss AlGaAs waveguides near half gap, S. T. Ho, C. E.
Soccolich, W. S. Hobson, A. F. J. Levi, M. N. Islam, and R. E. Slusher,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 59, 2558-2560 (1991).
All-optical timing restoration using a hybrid time domain chirp switch,
M. N. Islam, C. E. Soccolich, S. T. Ho, R. E. Slusher, W. S. Hobson, and
A. F. J. Levi, Optics Lett. 16, 1116-1118 (1991).
Log-periodic antennas
for pulsed terahertz radiation, D. R. Dykaar, B. I. Greene, J. F. Federici,
A. F. J. Levi, L. Pfeiffer and R. Kopf, Appl. Phys. Lett. 59, 262-264 (1991).
Schottky barrier inhomogeneity at epitaxial
NiSi2 interfaces on Si(100), R. T. Tung, A. F. J. Levi, J. P. Sullivan,
and F. Schrey, Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 72-75 (1991).
Ordered monolayer structures of boron in Si(111) and Si(100), R. L. Headrick,
B. E. Weir, A. F. J. Levi, B. Freer, J. Bevk, and L. C. Feldman, J. Vac.
Sci. Technol. A9, 2269-2272 (1991).
Buried, ordered structures: Boron in Si(111) and Si(100), R. L. Headrick,
B. E. Weir, A. F. J. Levi, D. J. Eaglesham, and L. C. Feldman, J. Crystal
Growth 111, 838-842 (1991).
High power switching of multielectrode
broad area lasers, J. O'Gorman, A. F. J. Levi, and W. S. Hobson, Electron.
Lett. 27, 13-15 (1991).
Low threshold GaAs/AlGaAs
quantum well lasers grown by organometallic vapor phase epitaxy using trimethylamine
alane, W. S. Hobson, J. P. van der Zeil, A. F. J. Levi, J. O'Gorman, C.
R. Abernathy, M. Geva, L. C. Luther, and V. Swaminathan, J. Appl. Phys.
70, 432-435 (1991).
GRINSCH GaAs/AlGaAs laser structures grown
by OMVPE using a novel aluminum source, W. S. Hobson, A. F. J. Levi, J.
O'Gorman, S. J. Pearton, C. R. Abernathy, and V. Swaminathan, Electron.
Lett. 26, 1762-1764 (1990).
Calculated chirp in intracavity loss modulated
DFB lasers, J. O'Gorman and A. F. J. Levi, Electron. Lett. 26, 1784-1787
Asymmetric line broadening
in intracavity loss modulated quantum well distributed feedback lasers,
J. O'Gorman, A. F. J. Levi, T. Tanbun-Ek, and R. A. Logan, Appl. Phys. Lett.
58, 669-671 (1991).
A systems perspective on digital interconnection
technology, R. A. Nordin, A. F. J. Levi, R. N. Nottenburg, J. O'Gorman,
T. Tanbun-Ek, and R. A. Logan, J. Lightwave Technol. 10, 811-827 (1992).
High index contrast mirrors for optical microcavities, Seng-Tiong
Ho, S. L. McCall, R. E. Slusher, L. N. Pfeiffer, K. W. West, A. F. J. Levi,
G. E. Blonder, and J. Jewell, Appl. Phys. Lett. 57, 1387-1389 (1990).
Dynamic and static response of multielectrode lasers, J. O'Gorman, A.
F. J. Levi, R. N. Nottenburg, T. Tanbun-Ek, and R. A. Logan, Appl. Phys.
Lett. 57, 968-970 (1990).
Dynamic optoelectronic read/write memory, R. N. Nottenburg, A. F. J.
Levi, T. Tanbun-Ek, and R. A. Logan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 1501-1503 (1990).
Direct observation of two-dimensional magnetopolarons
in a resonant tunnel junction, G. S. Boebinger, A. F. J. Levi, S. Schmitt-Rink,
A. Passner, L. N. Pfeiffer, and K. W. West, Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 235-238
The Si(100)-(2X1) boron reconstruction: Self-limiting monolayer doping,
R. L. Headrick, B. E. Weir, A. F. J. Levi, D. J. Eaglesham, and L. C. Feldman,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 57, 2779-2781 (1990).
Electrical conduction in the Si(111):B-R30/a-Si
interface reconstruction, R. L. Headrick, A. F. J. Levi, H. S. Luftman,
J. Kovalchick, and L. C. Feldman, Phys. Rev. B 43, 14711-14714 (1991).
Ultrafast coplanar air-transmission lines, D. R. Dykaar, A. F. J. Levi,
and M. Anzlowar, Appl. Phys. Lett. 57, 1123-1125 (1990).
Picosecond pump and probe spectroscopy utilizing freely propagating terahertz
radiation, B. I. Greene, J. F. Federici, D. R. Dykaar, A. F. Levi, and L.
Pfeiffer, Optics Lett. 16, 48-49 (1991).
Large signal picosecond response of InGaAs/InP
quantum well lasers with an intracavity
loss modulator, D. R. Dykaar, K. Berthold, A. F. J. Levi, T. Tanbun-Ek,
and R. A. Logan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 1629-1631 (1990).
Base doping limits in heterostructure bipolar transistors, B. Jalali,
R. N. Nottenburg, A. F. J. Levi, R. A. Hamm, M. B. Panish, D. Sivco, and
A. Y. Cho, Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 1460-1462 (1990).
Nonequilibrium electron transport in heterostructure bipolar transistors
probed by magnetic field, R. N. Nottenburg, A. F. J. Levi, B. Jalali, D.
Sivco, D. A. Humphrey, and A. Y. Cho, Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 2660-2662 (1990).
Multielectrode quantum well laser for digital switching, A. F. J. Levi,
R. N. Nottenburg, R. A. Nordin, T. Tanbun-Ek, and R. A. Logan, Appl. Phys.
Lett. 56, 1095-1097 (1990).
Nonequilibrium electron transport in bipolar devices, A. F. J. Levi,
R. N. Nottenburg, Y. K. Chen, and M. B. Panish, Physics Today, 43, 58-64
Wavelength switching in InGaAs/InP quantum well lasers, K. Berthold,
A. F. J. Levi, T. Tanbun-Ek, and R. A. Logan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 122-124
Very low threshold InGaAs/InGaAsP graded index separate confinement heterostructure
quantum well lasers grown by atmospheric pressure metalorganic vapor phase
epitaxy, T. Tanbun-Ek, R. A. Logan, H. Temkin, K. Berthold, A. F. J. Levi,
and S. N. G. Chu, Appl. Phys. Lett. 55, 2283-2285 (1989).
Voltage controlled Q-switching of InGaAs/InP single quantum well lasers,
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Bias controlled intersubband wavelength switching in a GaAs/AlGaAs quantum
well laser, K. Berthold, A. F. J. Levi, S. J. Pearton, R. J. Malik, W. Y.
Jan, and J. E. Cunningham, Appl. Phys. Lett. 55, 1382-1384 (1989).
Nonequilibrium Electron Dynamics in Bipolar Transistors, A. F. J. Levi,
R. N. Nottenburg, Y. K. Chen, P. H. Beton, and M. B. Panish, Solid State
Electronics 32, 1289-1295 (1989).
Submicrometer AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructure
bipolar transistor with high gain, M. Anzlowar, D. A. Humphrey, D. Sivco,
A. Y. Cho, R. N. Nottenburg, and A. F. J. Levi, Electron. Lett. 25, 1529-1530
High frequency study of nonequilibrium transport in heterostructure bipolar
transistors, Y. K. Chen, A. F. J. Levi, R. N. Nottenberg, P. H. Beton, M.
B. Panish, Appl. Phys. Lett. 55, 1789-1791 (1989).
Temperature and Field Dependence of the Magnetic Penetration Length of
C-Axis Oriented YBaCuO Films, P. L. Gammel, A. F. Hebard, C. E. Rice, and
A. F. J. Levi, Physica C 162-164, 1565-1566 (1989).
Ion beam thinning and polishing of YBaCuO films, A. F. Hebard, R. M.
Fleming, K. L. Short, A. E. White, C. E. Rice, A. F. J. Levi, and R. H.
Eick, Appl. Phys. Lett. 55, 1915-1917 (1989).
Electron transport in an AlSb/InAs/GaSb tunnel emitter hot electron transistor,
T. H. Chiu and A. F. J. Levi, Appl. Phys. Lett. 55, 1891-1893 (1989).
Near-ideal Lateral Scaling in Abrupt AlInAs/InGaAs Heterostructure Bipolar
Transistors Prepared by Molecular Beam Epitaxy, B. Jalali, R. N. Nottenburg,
Y. K. Chen, A. F. J. Levi, A. Y. Cho, and D. Sivco, Appl. Phys. Lett. 54,
2333-2335 (1989).
Numerical Study of Nonequilibrium Electron Transport in AlGaAs/GaAs Heterojunction
Bipolar Transistors, P. H. Beton and A. F. J. Levi, Appl. Phys. Lett. 55,
250-252 (1989).
AlAs/GaAs Tunnel Emitter Bipolar Transistor, A. F. J. Levi, R. N. Nottenburg,
Y. K. Chen, and J. E. Cunningham, Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 2250-2252 (1989).
A Pairbreaking Description of the Superconducting-Normal
Phase Boundary in YBaCuO Thin Films; The Type II-Clean Limit, A. F. Hebard,
P. L. Gammel, C. E. Rice, and A. F. J. Levi, Phys. Rev. B40, 5243-5246 (1989).
Tunneling in the Presence of
Phonons: A Solvable Model, B. Y. Gelfand, S. Schmitt-Rink, and A. F. J. Levi,
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High Field Transport in GaAs Transistors, K. Berthold, A. F. J. Levi,
J. Walker, and R. J. Malik, Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 813-819 (1989).
Non-Random Doping and Elastic Scattering of Carriers in Semiconductors,
A. F. J. Levi, S. L. McCall, and P. M. Platzman, Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 940-942
Scaling "Ballistic" Heterojunction
Bipolar Transistors, A. F. J. Levi, Electron. Lett. 24, 1273-1275 (1988).
Quantum Reflections and Inelastic Scattering
of Electrons in Semiconductor Heterojunctions, J. F. Müller, A. F.
J. Levi, and S. Schmitt-Rink, Phys. Rev. B 38, 9843-9849 (1988).
Extreme Nonequilibrium Electron Transport in Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors,
K. Berthold, A. F. J. Levi, J. Walker, and R. J. Malik, Appl. Phys. Lett.
52, 2247-2249 (1988).
GaInAs/GaInAsP/InP Heterostructure Bipolar Transistors with Very Thin
Base (150Å) Grown by Chemical Beam Epitaxy, W. T. Tsang, A. F. J.
Levi, and E. G. Burkhardt, Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 983-985 (1988).
Ion-Beam-Induced Metal-Insulator Transition
in YBaCuO: A Mobility Edge?, J. M. Valles, Jr., A. E. White, K. T. Short,
R. C. Dynes, J. P. Garno, A. F. J. Levi, M. Anzlowar, and K. Baldwin. Phys.
Rev. B 39, 11599-11602 (1989).
Electrical Response of Superconducting YBaCuO to Light, W. S. Brocklesby,
D. Monroe, A. F. J. Levi, M. Hong, S. H. Liou, J. Kwo, C. E. Rice, P. M.
Mankiewich, and R. E. Howard, Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 1175-1177 (1988).
Controllable Reduction of critical
currents in YBaCuO films, A. E. White, K. T. Short,
R. C. Dynes, A. F. J. Levi, M. Anzlowar, K. Baldwin, P. A. Polakos, T. A.
Fulton, and L. N. Dunkleberger, Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 1010-1012 (1988).
Implantation, Damage, and Regrowth of High Tc Superconductors, A. E.
White, K. T. Short, J. P. Garno, R. C. Dynes, L. F. Schneemeyer, J. Waszczak,
A. F. J. Levi, M. Anzlowar, and K. W. Baldwin, Nucl. Instr. Methods in Phys.
Research B 37/38, 923-929 (1989).
Normal State Transport Parameters of Epitaxial
Thin Films of YBaCuO , H. L. Störmer, A. F. J. Levi, K. W. Baldwin,
M. Anzlowar, and G. Boebinger, Phys. Rev. B 38, 2472-2476 (1988).
Epitaxial Order and Resistivity of High Temperature Superconductors grown
on SrTiO , A. F. J. Levi, J. M. Vandenberg, C. E. Rice, A. P. Ramirez, K.
W. Baldwin, M. Anzlowar, A. E. White, and K. Short, J. Crystal Growth. 91,
386-391 (1988).
Preparation of Superconducting Thin Films of Calcium Strontium Bismuth
Copper Oxides by Coevaporation, C. E. Rice, A. F. J. Levi, R. M. Fleming, P. Marsh, K. W.
Baldwin, M. Anzlowar, A. E. White, K. T. Short, S. Nakahara, and H. L. Störmer,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 52, 1828-1830 (1988).
Ion-Beam-Induced Destruction of Superconducting
Phase Coherence in YBaCuO , Alice E. White, K. T. Short, D. C. Jacobson,
J. M. Poate, R. C. Dynes, P. M. Mankiewich, W. J. Skocpol, R. E. Howard,
M. Anzlowar, K. W. Baldwin, A. F. J. Levi, J. R. Kwo, T. Hsieh, and M. Hong,
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"Coreless Defects" and Continuity of Epitaxial NiSi2/Si(100)
Thin Films, J. L. Batstone, J. M. Gibson, R. T. Tung, and A. F. J. Levi,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 52, 828-830 (1988).
Origin of the Excess Capacitance at Intimate
Schottky Contacts, J. Werner, A. F. J. Levi, R. T. Tung, M. Anzlowar, and
M. R. Pinto, Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 53-56 (1988).
Epitaxial Yttrium Silicide on (111) Silicon by Vacuum Annealing, M. Gurvitch,
A. F. J. Levi, R. T. Tung, and S. Nakahara, Appl. Phys. Lett. 51, 311-313
Electron Transport of (Al, Ga)Sb/InAs Heterojunctions Prepared by Molecular
Beam Epitaxy, T. H. Chiu, W. T. Tsang, and A. F. J. Levi, Electron. Lett.
23, 917-919 (1987).
Hot Electron Transport in the AlSb/InAs/GaSb Double Heterostructure Prepared
by Molecular Beam Epitaxy, T. H. Chiu, and A. F. J. Levi, J. Vac. Sci. Technol.
B6, 674-675 (1988).
Electron Beam Source Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of Analog Graded
AlGaAs Ballistic Transistors, R. J. Malik and A. F. J. Levi, Appl. Phys.
Lett. 52, 651-653 (1988).
Inelastic Scattering of Electrons Traversing Semiconductor Heterojunctions,
J. Müller, S. Schmitt-Rink, and A. F. J. Levi, Appl. Phys. Lett. 52,
236-238 (1987).
Unipolar Hot Electron Transistors, A. F. J. Levi and T. H. Chiu, Physica
Scripta T23, 227-231 (1988).
Room Temperature Operation of Unipolar Hot Electron Transistors, A. F.
J. Levi and T. H. Chiu, Solid State Electronics 31, 625-628 (1988).
Electron Transport Dynamics in Quantized
Intrinsic GaAs, A. F. J. Levi, R. J. Späh, and J. H. English, Phys.
Rev. B 36, 9402-9405 (1987).
Room Temperature Operation of Hot Electron Transistors, A. F. J. Levi
and T. H. Chiu, Appl. Phys. Lett. 51, 984-986 (1987).
Nonequilibrium Electron Transport in Bipolar Devices, A. F. J. Levi and
Y. Yafet, Appl. Phys. Lett. 51, 42-44 (1987).
Electroluminescence from the Base of a GaAs/AlGaAs Double Heterojunction
Bipolar Transistor, A. F. J. Levi, J. R. Hayes, A. C. Gossard, and J. H.
English, Appl. Phys. Lett. 50, 98-100 (1987).
A New Technique for the Growth of Compositionally Graded Layers by OMCVD
for Novel Device Structures, R. Bhat, M. A. Koza, J. R. Hayes, and A. F.
J. Levi, J. of Crystal Growth 77, 293-296 (1986).
Epitaxial Metal-Semiconductor Structures and their Properties, R. T.
Tung, A. F. J. Levi, and J. M. Gibson, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 4, 1435-1443
States at Epitaxial NiSi2/Si Heterostructures
studied by DLTS and Hydrogenation, A. Chantre, A. F. J. Levi, R. T. Tung,
W. C. Dautremont-Smith, and M. Anzlowar, Phys. Rev. B 34, 4415-4418 (1986).
Base Transport Dynamics in a Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor, J. R.
Hayes, A. F. J. Levi, A. C. Gossard, and J. H. English, Appl. Phys. Lett.
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Dynamics of Injected Electron Cooling in GaAs, J. R. Hayes, A. F. J.
Levi, and W. Wiegmann, Appl. Phys. Lett. 48, 1365-1367 (1986).
Dynamics of Extreme Nonequilibrium Electron Transport, J. R. Hayes and
A. F. J. Levi, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 22, 1744-1752 (1986).
Ballistic Injection Devices, A. F. J. Levi, J. R. Hayes, and R. Bhat,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 48, 1609-1611 (1986).
The Schottky Barrier Heights of single
crystal NiSi2 on Si(111): The Effect of a surface P-N Junction, R. T. Tung,
K. K. Ng, J. M. Gibson, and A. F. J. Levi, Phys. Rev. B 33, 7077-7090 (1986).
Growth of Strained Layer Semiconductor/Metal/Semiconductor Heterostructures,
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Control of a Natural Permeableng CoSi2
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Transistor Action in Si/CoSi2/Si Heterostructures, J. C. Hensel, A. F.
J. Levi, R. T. Tung, and J. M. Gibson, Appl. Phys. Lett. 47, 151-153 (1985).
Magnetic Field Dependence of Hot Electron Transport in GaAs, J. R. Hayes,
A. F. J. Levi, and W. Wiegmann, Appl. Phys. Lett. 47, 964-966 (1985).
Hot Electron Spectroscopy of GaAs, A. F. J. Levi, J. R. Hayes, P. M.
Platzman, and W. Wiegmann, Physica 134 B, 480-486 (1985).
Hot Electron Spectroscopy of GaAs, J. R.
Hayes, A. F. J. Levi, and W. Wiegmann, Phys. Rev. Lett. 54, 1570-1572 (1985).
Injected Hot Electron Transport in GaAs,
A. F. J. Levi, J. R. Hayes, P. M. Platzman, and W. Wiegmann, Phys. Rev.
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Hot Electron Spectroscopy, J. R. Hayes, A. F. J. Levi, and W. Wiegmann,
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Phonon Structure of Amorphous Germanium by Inelastic Electron Tunnelling
Spectroscopy, M. C. Payne, A. F. J. Levi, W. A. Phillips, J. C. Inkson,
and C. J. Adkins, J. Phys. C 17, 1643-1653 (1984).
Phonon Structure of Amorphous SiOx by Inelastic Tunnelling Spectroscopy,
A. F. J. Levi, W. A. Phillips, and C. J. Adkins, Solid State Comm. 45, 43-45