% Fig_4_10.m % Essential Semiconductor Laser Device Physics % solves single-mode laser diode rate equations % calls runge4.m which is a 4th order Runge-Kutta integrator % for fixed time increment % plots carrier density and photon density as function of time. % gain=g=gamma*gslope*(n-n0)*(1-epsi*s) % carrier density, n, current, I, and photon density, s, are related via % fcn=n'=(I/ev)-(n/tau_n)-(g*s) % fcs=s'=(g-K)*s+beta*Rsp clear all clf; FS = 18; %label FontSize 18 FSN = 16; %number FontSize 16 LW = 2; %LineWidth % Change default axes fonts. set(0,'DefaultAxesFontName', 'Times New Roman'); set(0,'DefaultAxesFontSize', FSN); % Change default text fonts. set(0,'DefaultTextFontname', 'Times New Roman'); set(0,'DefaultTextFontSize', FSN); %******************** constants **************************** hconstjs=6.6262e-34; %Planck's constant [J s] echargec=1.6021e-19; %electron charge [Coulomb] vlightcm=2.997925e10; %velocity of light [cm s-1] nsteps=10000; %number of time-steps 10000 %******************** start the main program *************************** %assign values to parameters ngroup = 4; %refractive index clength = 3.00E-02; %cavity length (cm) thick = 1.40E-05; %thickness of active region (cm) width = 8.00E-05; %width of active region (cm) tincrement = 1.00E-12; %time increment (s) initialn = 0.00E+18; %initial value of carrier density (cm-3) Anr = 2.00E+08; %non-radiative recombination rate (s-1)2e8 Bcons = 1.00E-10; %radiative recombination coefficent (cm3 s-1) Ccons = 1.00E-29; %non-linear recombination coefficient (cm6 s-1) n0density = 1.00E+18; %transparency carrier density (cm-3) gslope = 2.50E-16; %optical gain-slope coefficient (cm2 s-1) epsi = 5.00E-18; %gain compression (cm3) 5e-18 beta = 1.00E-04; %spontaneous emission coefficient 10^-4 gamma_cons = 0.25; %optical confinement factor 0.25 wavelength = 1.31; %optical emission wavelength (um) mirrone = 0.32; %optical reflectivity from first mirror 0.32 mirrtwo = 0.32; %optical reflectivity from second mirror 0.32 alfa_i = 40; %internal optical loss (cm-1) 40 pstart1 = 1.0; %start of first current step (ns) pstart2 = 3.5; %start of second current step (ns) rioff1 = 0; %off value of current (mA) % rion1 = 20; %first step in current (mA) % rion2 = 20; %second step in current (mA) %initialize sdensity, ndensity and calculate total optical loss [cm-1] sdensity = 0.0; ndensity = initialn * 1.0e-21; alfa_m = log ( 1.0/(mirrone * mirrtwo) ) / ( 2.0 * clength ) ; alfasum = alfa_m + alfa_i ; %rescale integrator: time[ns], current[mA], length[nm] and 1nm3=1e-21cm3 echarge = echargec*1.0e9*1.0e3 ;% electron charge vlight = vlightcm/1.0e9/1.0e-7 ;% velocity of light [m/s] to [nm s-1] tincrement = tincrement * 1.0e9 ; gslope = gslope * 1.0e14 ; n0density = n0density * 1.0e-21 ; %length scale in nm. clength = clength / 1.0e-7 ; width = width / 1.0e-7 ; thick = thick / 1.0e-7 ; %recombination constants Anr = Anr / 1.0e9 ; Bcons = Bcons / (1.0e9*1.0e-21) ; Ccons = Ccons / (1.0e9*1.0e-42) ; epsi = epsi / 1.0e-21 ; gslope = gslope * vlight / ngroup ; alfasum = alfasum * 1.0e-7 ; kappa = alfasum * vlight / ngroup ; volume = clength * width * thick; %scale light output to mW from mirror one tmp = hconstjs * (vlightcm * 1.0e-2)/(wavelength * 1.0e-6);% use m [J] tmp = tmp * alfa_m * vlightcm; % use cm [s-1] tmp = tmp * 1000.0*volume/ngroup; % use mW and nm [nm3] lightout=tmp*(1.0-mirrone)/(2.0-mirrone-mirrtwo); % output mirror one data(1)=gamma_cons; data(2)=gslope; data(3)=n0density; data(4)=epsi; data(5)=kappa; data(6)=Bcons; data(7)=Anr; data(8)=Ccons; data(9)=volume; data(10)=beta; Imax=20.0; %maximum current (mA) 20 nIstep=160; %number of step current values 10 160 %******************** initialize arrays ************************ current =ones(1,nsteps)*rioff1; rion1 =ones(1,nIstep); carrier =zeros(nIstep,nsteps); photon =zeros(nIstep,nsteps); tdelay =zeros(1,nIstep); timep=linspace(1,nsteps,nsteps)*tincrement; temptxt=['n_0=',num2str(n0density*1000),'\times10^{18} cm^{-3}, \beta=',... num2str(beta),', r_1=',num2str(mirrone),', \alpha_i=',... num2str(alfa_i),' cm^{-1}']; %******************** increment maximum current ************************ for ii = 1:nIstep sdensity=0; ndensity=0; rion1(ii)=(Imax*double(ii)/nIstep); %************************************************************************ %******************** the main integration loop ************************ %************************************************************************ for i = 1 : 1 : nsteps if timep(i) > pstart1 current(i) = rion1(ii) ; end [sdensity,ndensity]=runge4( current(i),sdensity,ndensity,tincrement,data); carrier(ii,i) = ndensity * 1.0e21/1.0e18 ; photon(ii,i) = (lightout*sdensity) ; end %main ends here. %******************** search for delay time ************************ %threshold defined a half the steady-state value %find first index gt threshold k=find(photon(ii,1:nsteps-1)>(photon(ii,nsteps)/2) , 1, 'first'); tdelay(ii)=double(k)*tincrement - pstart1; % delay in ns end % photon_number=photon( nsteps - 1 )*volume / lightout % number of photons at last data point % carrier_number=carrier( nsteps - 1 )*volume/1.0e3 % number of carriers at last data point %*********************** plot figures ***************************** figure (1) plot(rion1, tdelay,'LineWidth',LW) xlabel(['Current, \itI\rm_{step} (mA)']); ylabel(['Time delay, \itt\rm_d (ns)']); axis([0 Imax 0 max(tdelay)*1.05]); title(temptxt,'FontSize',FS); grid on %************************************************************************ figure (2) loglog(rion1, tdelay,'LineWidth',LW) xlabel(['Current, \itI\rm_{step} (mA)']); ylabel(['Time delay, \itt\rm_d (ns)']); title(temptxt,'FontSize',FS); %axis([0 Imax 0 max(tdelay)*1.05]); grid on %************************************************************************ %check time evolution of light output from mirror one. figure(3); hold on; plot(timep,photon,'b-'); %axis([0 max(timep) 0 max(photon)*1.05]); title(temptxt,'FontSize',FS) xlabel(['Time, \itt\rm (ns)']);ylabel(['Power, \itL\rm_{out} (mW/facet)']); grid on; %************************************************************************ %check time evolution of carrier density. figure(4); plot(timep,carrier,'b-'); hold on; %axis([0 max(timep) min(carrier) max(carrier)*1.05]); temp=['Carrier density as function of time']; title(temptxt,'FontSize',FS); grid on; xlabel(['Time, \itt\rm (ns)']); ylabel(['Carrier density, \itn\rm (10^1^8cm^-^3)']); hold off; %************************************************************************