%Fig1_10.m %Essential Electron Transport for Device Physics %Electron in periodic potential with rectangular barriers %real (blue) and imaginary (red) band structure clear all clf; %plotting parameters + fontsizes FS = 12; %label fontsize FSN = 12; %number fontsize LW = 1; %linewidth % Change default axes fonts. set(0,'DefaultAxesFontName', 'Times'); set(0,'DefaultAxesFontSize', FSN); % Change default text fonts. set(0,'DefaultTextFontname', 'Times'); set(0,'DefaultTextFontSize', FSN); hbarChar=['\fontname{MT Extra}h\fontname{Times}']; npoints=1750; %number of points in energy plot 1750 hbar=1.0545715e-34; %Planck's constant (Js) echarge=1.6021764e-19; %electron charge (C) m0=9.109382e-31; %bare electron mass (kg) V0eV=3.0; %barrier energy [eV] 3.0 V0=V0eV*echarge; %barrier energy [J] Lb=0.4e-9; %barrier thickness [m] 0.4 Lw=0.6e-9; %well thickness [m] 0.6 L=Lb+Lw; %cell period [m] k1=linspace(0,3.5*pi/L,npoints);%range of k-values considered determines E E=(k1.^2)*(hbar^2)/(2*m0); %electron energy, E [J] EeV=E/echarge;max(EeV) k2=sqrt(2*m0*(E-V0))/hbar; %k2 real for E= 1.0) kLim=real((acosh(theta))/pi); end %************************************************************************** %plot figure %************************************************************************** ttl=['\rmFig1.10, V_0 = ',num2str(V0eV,'%3.1f'),' eV, L_b = ',... num2str(Lb*1e9,'%3.1f'),' nm, L_w = ',... num2str(Lw*1e9,'%3.1f'),' nm, L = ',num2str((Lw+Lb)*1e9,'%3.1f'),' nm']; figure(1) plot(kLim, EeV, 'r','LineWidth',LW); hold on; plot(kLre, EeV, 'b','LineWidth',LW); axis([0,1.0,0,max(EeV)]);%/3 /5 grid on xlabel('Wave vector, kL/\pi'); %yttl=['Energy, E (',hbarChar,'^2/2m_0)']; yttl=['E (eV)']; ylabel(yttl); hold off; title (ttl);